Analysis & insights
which may or may not
break the universe

contact me: aleksander [at] aleksanderpetrov [dot] com

Theory and reality are exactly the same.
In theory.

Clarify & Understand:

What is insight?

Interactions Of Discovery | Questions Of Intention
Actions Of Destination | Mindfulness Of Being
Identification Of Abstractions | Clarifications Of Desire
Understanding Of Self | Definition Of Boundaries

Past. Present. Future.

Imagine moving effortlessly through the realms of:

Ambition | Understanding | Acceptance
Trust | Obedience | Confidence
Curiosity | Discovery | Exploration

What is your blind spot?

Surpass your limits...

Data is not conclusion.
Information is not understanding.
Hope is not process.
Responding is not initiative.

“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of light.” – Plato

What do you fear? What holds you back? What questions are you not asking? What answers are you avoiding? What opportunity are you missing? What needs are you neglecting?

To see your place in the cosmos is the start. To accept your place in the cosmos is the journey. To control your place in the cosmos in nirvana.

There are an assortment of paths you can follow but all of them will ultimately call upon philosophical exploration. Mathematics can show you mechanics, but fail to tell you why. Logistics can provide a framework, but lack a context. Education exposes you to data, but information is not meaning or purpose.

On top of all this the Internet creates an illusion of infinity which leaves a thin layer of haze on every aspect of your life. In an environment of trending phrases, hashtags and fleeting memories it's easy to slip into behaving as if the ephemeral is ever lasting.

Bombardation by buzzwords is a tactic of deceit. Have you defined your terms?

“Most of the things about which we make decisions, and into which we therefore inquire, present us with alternative possibilities... All our actions have a contingent character; hardly any of them are determined by necessity,” – Aristotle

Asking questions is not as simple as first attempt may lead you to believe. It's simple and commonplace to erroneously conclude the foundation of a philosophical stack has been reached and understanding has been achieved.

Coins don't have two sides.
The two sides are the coin.

Can one person's life (and by extension experiences) encompass multiple narratives?

It can if you persuade yourself to ask the right questions.

In The Art of Rhetoric Aristotle describes a system of persuasion that has three drivers:

To ask questions about your own life, processes or world view is complicated because of your natural biases. An outside perspective and objectivity are required to ask and press home the difficult questions. To delve into the deepest waters and endure the presure.

What is the practical destination of this journey?

All the cosmos is a work in progress
All the cosmos is within you.