
Clarify and understand.
What is insight?

Each step of the process must be separated into components for clarification and understanding. Yet each fragment of the gestalt is incomplete without the remaining fragments.

Interactions Of Discovery

Learning begins with acknowledging that which you don’t know and journeying where you’ve not travelled. To delve into undiscovered country. To explore. To wander. To entertain ideas and notions not previously considered. Giving yourself the freedom to engage in discovery by walking uncertain paths and considering ideas once out of bounds. Rejecting nothing out of habitual response but being mindful of each moment and choosing with insight. To gain access to knowledge you have to allow experience.

Stop and ask yourself: “What intentions have I been hesitant or unwilling to explore?”

Questions Of Intention

Your actions begin with intentions. Intentions are your intellectual and rational destinations. What is the desired outcome? Where do you want to go? Where do you want to find yourself at the end of a journey? What path do you want to take to arrive there? What do you seek to gain and to release as you follow that path? Intentions arise from the discovery of new perspectives.

Stop and ask yourself: “What destinations will best serve the intentions of my curiosity?”

Actions Of Destination

Intention informs actions. If you don’t know the what you can’t fathom the how. When your actions are focused, controlled, mindful and moderated you can steadily move closer to the final outcome you have envisioned. A series of pre-planned and well executed motions leave you time each day for relaxing, unwinding and further exploration while still moving ever closer to your envisioned future.

Stop and ask yourself: “Am I being mindful of the now and how it affects my future self and destination?”

Mindfulness Of Being

It’s easy to fall into auto-pilot mode. Going through the motions of what it takes to tread water. Never moving closer to the shoreline. Surviving & maintaining instead of living & exploring. The implementation of mindfulness permits you to examine each choice & action you are about to make in the moment. To question your motives and determine if they are the right thinking for your chosen path.

Stop and ask yourself: “Do I have intimate knowledge of the abstractions of my being so as to guide me in mindfulness?”

Identification Of Abstractions

How well do you know the elements within you? The four abstractions of sensation, intuition, feeling, & thinking act upon your desires like the winds upon a sailing ship. If understood, abstractions can be harnessed and controlled for the purpose of moving your actions in the right direction. When held consciously in your mind, abstractions allow you to choose in the moment and free yourself of mindless habit. The structural totality of the four abstractions guide your mindfulness.

Stop and ask yourself: “Are my desires and abstractions in alignment?”

Clarifications Of Desire

Your possibilities begin with your desires. Desires are your emotional & spiritual destinations manifest from your cravings & intuitions. Desire is where you feel you need to go. Desire is what you need to experience to recharge and be complete and satisfied with yourself. From that base of completeness you can voyage into the darkest night with confidence and security in who you are.

Stop and ask yourself: “Are my desires and cravings in alignment with who I am and who I want to be?”

Understanding Of Self

Who are you? When everything that has come before is brought together for your examination who is the person you see before you? What is the sum of your past? What are the circumstances of your present? What does your future hold? Where is that destination? Who is the person you have to become? What must you do today to put your future self in the future and destination you envision in the now?

Stop and ask yourself: “Do I have knowledge of where I begin and end so that I know which of my exiting boundaries to reinforce and which to shatter?”

Definition Of Boundaries

Everyone has boundaries. Not everyone defines them. Boundaries may fence you in. Boundaries may confine you. Boundaries may protect you. Boundaries may restrain you without your noticing. Only through the identification, clarification & understanding of your boundaries can you define them and subsequently decide with desire or intention to transgress, open or destroy those boundaries; or to reinforce, maintain or alter those boundaries.

Stop and ask yourself: “Am I willing to take the chances required to discover what lies outside my current boundaries?”