
Past. Present. Future.
Imagine moving effortlessly.

Our understanding of space/time is ever evolving. Regardless of where theoretical understanding takes us we are still bound to the four dimensions our consciousness can comprehend and our six senses can experience.

It is what you do with and within those limitations which defines and distinguished you. What are the dynamics of power exerted by you and upon you? What do you make of those definitions and dynamics? How do they shape you and you shape them? What form is assumed upon manifestation?

To Begin In Ambition

Without desire to have, to be, and to achieve more in the future there can be no beginning. The journey doesn't begin with a single step. The journey germinates with ambition. The journey takes root with determination. Then you take the first meaningful step.

The question is: “When you cast aside the conventions of the past and expectations of the future what is your ambition in the moment?”

To Move Through Understanding

There are a multitude of paths and vehicles. Some lead to understanding. Some lead to false choices. Make a choice. What do you find? What results do you get? Do they serve your ambitions? Understanding of where you are now informs changes to your choices. Every examined past leads to an informed now which leads to an empowered future.

The question is: “Do my choices move me towards the destination of my ambition?”

To Arrive At Acceptance

Ambitions and choices brought you to the now. The past you can't alter - it's a memory. The future you can't predict - it's a dream. All you have is this moment, this now, this breath, this thought, this slice of the infinite. Do you accept it? Is it truly yours? What can you make of this moment?

The question is: “Are your ambitions ever fully satisfied?”

The Fortress of Trust

Amongst uncertainty is where you find the opportunity. The best way to resolve uncertainty is with the support of someone you trust. A reliable friend makes the darkness brighter, replaces hesitation with eagerness, evaluated your ideas, and notices what's under the layers.

The question is: “Who do you invest with that level of trust?”

The Power of Obedience

Is freedom always creative? Poetry is art because the words are written within restrictions. Boundaries are limiting only in the ways you allow them to limit you. An ability to create within confines is the mark of an artist. To be unlimited is to be in danger of running amok, having no focus. To be constrained ultimately sharpens your creativity.

The question is: “Do you balance the power of independence with obedience?”

The Daring of Confidence

How certain are you? How certain can you be? How certain of your own certainty are you? To know what you know and what you don't know is the most you can achieve. To be confident in all things so far as you can be confident is the foundation of trust and obedience.

The question is: “Do you have enough confidence to attain all the freedoms you desire?”

The Itch of Curiosity

Uncertainty is the beginning of all progress. To be curious is to desire greater understanding, to achieve greater certainty. Curiosity takes you on a path to knowing and experiencing more - yet never knowing and experiencing all - for the well of knowledge and experiences can never run dry. No mater how satiated your curiosity there will always be thirst.

The question is: “Do you allow curiosity to guide you without blindly following?”

Gives Way to Discovery

You can't be aware of everything that happens around you at every moment. You can and do choose where to focus your attention. That choice of determines what you discover. What decides that choice? Where you've been, where you are, where you are going. Be curious about each of those places and times. Curiosity demands satisfaction only discovery can deliver.

The question is: “Do you truly discover facets of yourself or simply gaze at your reflection?”

Of Never Ending Exploration

To step upon uncertain ground. To reach into the dark. To look into the light. Each inspires some degree of fear. Think deeply and you will recognize fear is mostly excitement mixed with anticipation. Embrace the mixture of emotions and season your days with it. Let this new understanding of fear be your guide in exploration.

The question is: “Do you draw from your fears that which is useful and empowering?”